A while ago a good friend of mine heard about something horrible person A had done to person B and my friend was so outraged, he declared that person A did not love person B. When I made some uncertain noises, my friend said that person A might have warm feelings for person B, but they did not love them because “love is what you do.”
This is an idea I’ve heard a bunch, including the classic DC Talk rap-music song “Love is Verb.” It’s kind of a thing. Yet that declaration of my dear friend made me feel uncertain and uncomfortable. After much thought, I concluded that it made me feel uncomfortable because, in my experience, people do all kinds of super creepy horrible stuff to each other, thinking that they’re doing it out of love. Sometimes even really truly meaning to do it out of love. That made me sad to realize, but it does kind of complicate the issue.
To complicate it even further, I don’t know how I feel about people doing nice actions for me without feeling nice things about me. I would appreciate the nice actions a lot, but it would make me really, really sad if I found out that the people doing the nice actions didn’t have any warm feelings for me. And when people who do have warm feelings for me are unable to do nice actions for me, I still really appreciate the feelings.
What do you think? Can love be defined in terms of action only, or does it require something else? Do warm feelings constitute love, or is that something else?