Okay, so here’s why I didn’t want to start a blog. Let’s start with the constant, and now sadly ubiquitous state of busy-ness. And no, I will not be apologizing for that. If I can fill my life to the brim with poetry, music, literature, recovering drug addicts and rescued prostitutes, not to mention a husband who’s possibly cuter than an actual button, I will die a happy woman. Even if I never have any extra time. But more importantly, blogs can be so heartily boring. They so easily become self-centered, navel-peering nonsense. But I do like to write, and I do love a challenge.
Today I was making those poofy things that go on the top of hats. I can’t remember what those things are called, so it’s a good thing that I already know how to make them. I made two of them this evening while watching Julie and Julia with the aforementioned cute husband. As a side note, that movie really is delightful. This should not surprise you, because it was written by Norah Ephron, whom I can’t help but adore, even when one of my favorite pieces of hers (Heartburn), could only be purchased in a bright pink cover. I’ll forgive her that, because both of my poofy things were also a very cheerful color of pink.
I make hats to order, so I don’t get to choose the colors, and I think that is a very good thing. I have discovered so many colors that can be really fantastic which I never would have tried if I was left to my own devices. This year seems to be the break-out year for my crocheted hats, scarves, and mittens, which are being ordered by the bundle-full to help prevent AIDS in Africa. As I tell the little girls I nanny for, “people pay me to make these hats, and then I use the money to buy medicine for little kids in Africa so they don’t get a really bad disease.” The girls, being quite concerned about the little kids in Africa, proceeded to ask me if they have shots in Africa, if they have doctors in Africa, but most importantly, if they have band-aids in Africa. I assured them that they do.