Okay, usually I insist on finding a piece that I can credit to an actual person, not an organization. But I love this building so much, and as I considered the sheer scale of the creation, I find it unlikely that one person can claim full credit for the whole thing. That said, I find the Atkins Design Studio to be a really interesting website, and I have great respect for their commitment to diversity in their hiring and in their work. Unlike some architecture firms where there does seem to be one style done in several iterations, Atkins shows an amazing ability to produce a “wow” factor in a plethora of styles. Well worth checking out.

This amazing building is a hotel outside of Shanghai, built into a natural rock quarry. In addition to being just stunning to the eye, the hotel is also designed to be completely sustainable and green, and includes some really innovative elements like underwater guest rooms, and an extension across the quarry for extreme sports. I got most of that info from this article in World Architecture News.